As a lifelong Catholic, my religion is as much a part of my identity as being Italian or Polish. But something has changed over the last four years. It seems that there is no longer a place for people like me in the Catholic Church. All because I refuse to accept that my value as a Christian lies in how I decide to vote based solely on a single issue.
At a recent sermon, a deacon at my church spoke about the responsibility of a Catholic. And that responsibility is first and foremost voting pro-life. Although he did not come right out and say it, the message is clear. You must support only candidates that claim they are against abortion under all circumstances.
Here is the conundrum: I refuse to support a vile, pathetic excuse for a human being in the likes of Donald Trump. I refuse to support any Republican that enables his abhorrent behavior and makes excuses for his divisive, narrow-minded rhetoric.
Here is a man who, every time he has a problem with an African American, tweets that they are "dumb." Every. Single. Time. Look back through his tweets--they are part of presidential record--and tell me this is a "coincidence." Once can be an anomaly. Twice can be a coincidence. Three or more times is a pattern of belief.
This is coupled with the fact that he has already labeled Hispanics as "criminals" and "rapists." He believes "really great people" deliberately align themselves with the likes of KKK members, neo-Nazis, and Alt-Right. He throws children of illegal immigrants into cages. Not temporary holding facilities as the Obama Administration did until they could find proper care facilities to take them as some claim to justify this. For weeks. For months. In many cases, without beds, pillows, a change of clothes, or even a toothbrush. Their "crime" is that their parents brought them here. They are essentially imprisoned simply as a warning to those who would cross the border. Come here we will throw you in jail and cage your children like animals. Yet his supporters insist he is "not a racist."
He refers to women as "dogs" and "bleeding from somewhere." He has been accused of sexual misconduct with dozens of women. He employs prostitutes and pays off porn stars. And we all remember the infamous "grab 'em by the pussy" comment. But despite all of this, his adoring public claims he is not a misogynist, and his behavior can be excused as "locker room talk," "boys will be boys" and "behavior that was acceptable in another era."
Yet they vilify the behavior of Joe Biden--who is admittedly too touchy-feely--as "creepy" and "inappropriate." So touching women on the back and kissing them on the head is inappropriate, but grabbing them by a certain part of their anatomy is okay?
And isn't this touchy-feely behavior also the product of a bygone generation? This behavior was considered almost normal 30 or 40 years ago. Men in politics and the business world regularly behaved this way toward women. Watch a few episodes of "Mad Men" if you don't believe me. Granted, it was NEVER acceptable by women. By how is "boys will be boys" and "behavior that was part of another time" acceptable for one candidate, but not the other? And on what planet is grabbing women in that matter EVER excusable behavior under any circumstance?
My favorite is the claim that the Democrats will be legalizing pedophilia based on Biden's behavior. That would make as much sense as the Republicans legalizing prostitution. Since Donald Trump clearly has a fondness for it.
He mocks the handicapped. He refers to anyone who is not a far-right conservative as a "liberal" because there clearly are only two schools of thought in this country. He and his supporters label me as "un-American" and the enemy because I oppose not only many of his policies but the way he denigrates and disrespects the office of the presidency.
Ronald Reagan had so much respect for the presidency he would not even remove his suit jacket while in the Oval Office. Donald Trump uses it as a platform to hurl insults and tweet juvenile nicknames. Respect is not guaranteed, sir. It is earned.
What I cannot tolerate most, however, are the lies. He promised to bring good manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Prior to the pandemic, wages, hiring, and manufacturing fell, not increased. He claims the stock market is a measure of his performance. Yet the stock market measures the health of corporations, not necessarily the workers that support them. The CEOs were making more money, but were employee wages rising in commiseration with the stock market? Check job reports and your answer will be a resounding "no."
He promised that tariffs would make foreign companies pay more but we as Americans would not feel the pinch. Yet those costs have been passed along to us in the form of higher consumer prices. Wonder why your grocery bill is more? Even products made in the United States rely on foreign companies to provide materials for production or packaging. Countries that used to import from the United States are now looking for products elsewhere in the world to avoid the tariffs their own nations have placed on American goods in retaliation. Explain to me, please, how this helps the American worker?
He lied about getting Americans this great health plan. Instead, he supported efforts by the Republicans to repeal Obamacare in its entirety. Without having a program in place to carry over the mandates he swore would be untouched, including the pre-existing condition clause, the lifetime cap clause, the dependent child clause that allows children to remain on their parents' insurance until age 26, and the prescription drug clause. If the Republicans had managed to eliminate Obamacare, all of these protections would have immediately gone away, leaving millions of Americans unprotected and unprepared.
But what would Republicans care? I have had conservative friends tell me that healthcare is a privilege, not a right. Besides, anyone can get minimum care at a public hospital. Minimal care at a public hospital is essentially putting a bandaid on an artery bleed. And if someone has to choose between food or medication or go bankrupt because they get cancer, that is just the American way, right?
He lied about protecting the LGBTQ community. He lied about eliminating the deficit and has instead ballooned it. And how IS that Mexico will pay for the wall thing going?
Even worse, his supporters lie for him. Any news that does not paint him in the glorious light to which they and Trump himself believe he is entitled is labeled as "fake." Think of how this whole "fake news" phenomenon got started. The Parks Department released the crowd size numbers for Trump's inauguration. Trump accused them of lying. The press reported crowd size numbers released by the department. He accused the press of lying. Time-stamped photos proving the smaller crowd sizes were released. Trump had his then press secretary Sean Spicer call a news conference to scream at the press that despite all evidence to the contrary, they were lying in an effort to discredit the greatness and adoration of Donald Trump. Thus the world of "fake news" and "alternative facts" was born.
Cherry-picked portions of videos and manipulated images are passed around as "proof" to back up their positions. And not one of them even bothers to fact-check to find if the information is even legitimate. If it backs up their bias, it has to be true.
And "fake news" has grown into a monster. I truly do not think the Republican Party and even Trump himself believe that the men and women who report the news (and a few who work for the AP and Reuters I know from my college days), who work their whole lives to establish credibility and reputations, are engaging in a vast conspiracy with the far left, Democrats, Obama, Hillary, and the Sasquatch to make up stories about Trump.
Does the press get the details wrong at times? Absolutely. It is a product of the competitive nature of today's media when they are competing for dwindling advertising dollars. Getting the scoop, even if those facts have not been completely verified, gives them the edge. This is why you will hear "allegedly," "reportedly," or "this has not been independently verified" with many reports.
Yet, when I ask people to give me an example of a story that, from start to finish, has proven to be completely made-up, you can hear the crickets chirping. And if you start jumping up and down and screaming about the whole Trump campaign working with the Russians thing, I suggest you actually READ the Mueller report instead of parroting what conservative pundits tell you. But the far-right has now created a fake news beast that has grown to such immense proportions they have no idea how to control it, let alone end it.
Never in our history has a president accused the press, whose role in our democracy is so important that it is defined in our constitution, as being part of a conspiracy while embracing and repeating conspiracy theories so ridiculous the writers of "The X-Files" never even thought of them.
Yet they seem to have no problem with his blasphemous claim that he is "The Chosen One." Really? I always thought that on some level, God has a sense of humor. But this is pushing it even for Him. I am still waiting for Him to reveal the punchline.
But none of this matters. Because according to my church, I am supposed to embrace this man since he claims to be pro-life. I say "claim" because he expressed views that aligned him more closely with the Democratic Party prior to 2016. That was until he figured out he could never win the nomination as a Democrat. Yet I should support him. No matter what his character reflects. No matter who he marginalizes or denigrates. No matter what the moral cost to anyone or anything except the unborn.
When all this began, I was puzzled over the number of people who I believed to be good, decent, educated citizens that embraced the idea that those who dared to think and believe differently than themselves had somehow become the enemy. America was founded because a group of people had a difference of opinion with the King of England. She has been built and gained strength by a combination of beliefs that stretch over both sides of the political fence. And she has been better for it.
And in the years since, it has become far worse. Now I hear from my own church that I am not a good Catholic if I do not cast a vote based solely on one issue. I hear from friends and family who pass along "informative" posts from far-right "Christian" groups that as a Catholic I must embrace the Republican party, no matter how revolting a candidate may be. Because I cannot be considered a Catholic unless I only vote pro-choice.
I used to think that these narrow-minded people did not deserve to be in the category of "Christian," let alone refer to themselves Catholic. Now I realize that because I cannot turn a blind eye to ideologies and behaviors that I believe to be morally wrong yet have nothing to do with abortion, I am the one who does not belong.
I cannot condone let alone align myself with people who claim to hold life sacred, yet support caging children. Who want laws eliminating abortion, which I believe is a moral issue but not a legal one, yet support candidates who want to cut aid to underprivileged children, cut education, cut health programs that help the poor and elderly, and support a proposal to cut payroll taxes which will have devasting effects on social security and Medicare, not to mention the elderly who depend on them. If you defend the rights of babies to be born yet wash your hands of all responsibility once they are here, you are not pro-life. You are pro-birth. And you forfeit all right to question the morality of anyone else.
I cannot consider myself a part of a group that claims to embrace the messages of Jesus, yet ignores his core teachings. What was the life of Jesus about? Did He ever once mention that you must protect the unborn yet ignore and malign those who are already here? Did He encourage discriminatory practices against those whose lives or beliefs differ from yours?
Jesus walked among those who were considered the dregs of humanity. He placed his hands upon a leper--who was considered unpure and an outcast of society--and healed him. He gave sight to a man who had been born blind and whose disability was considered punishment for something his parents had done. A man who others passed by while he begged because he, too, was outside of acceptable society. Jesus healed a paralyzed man and did not bother to ask him what his sexual orientation was, or what political party he supported.
He stopped the stoning of a prostitute by asking those who judged her if they were without sin. Because only those whose lives are a perfect example of piety earn the right to judge, condemn, or belittle others. If any of you who are reading this fall into that "perfect" category, let me know. I will not only message you my address, but I'll also provide the rock.
Overwhelmingly, His message was that of love. Of acceptance, understanding, and compassion. I've got news for you, folks. Jesus would have baked that wedding cake for the gay couple in Colorado.
I am sure many of you are already screaming "Liberal!!" at the screen or are giving me the mature and intelligent label of "Libtard." I would expect nothing less from some of you.
Funny thing is I am not a liberal; my views are considered moderate. I support the rights of law-abiding citizens to own pistols or hunting rifles. My husband is a hunter and we have certainly had guns in our home. I do not, however, support any private citizens owning assault-style weapons, nor do I believe that anyone with a felony or a documented history of mental illness should be allowed to own guns. Loopholes in gun laws need to be closed.
I believe that welfare should be a hand up, not a handout. But I also support programs that give these people opportunities to learn skills that give them a living wage and keep them from coming back on the welfare rolls.
My nephew Jeff is a police officer and a great one. My local police department is wonderful. It is possible to support police yet express outrage over the killings of innocent people. Killings by officers that have been repeatedly cited for brutality but who are protected by blanket immunity laws that keep them on the streets. Laws that need to be changed.
And yes, more whites are killed by police because, based on population statistics, whites outnumber blacks in the United States. But on a pro-capita basis, blacks are twice as likely to be the victims of fatal shootings than whites or Hispanics. And as we have seen in the cases of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castille, or Eric Garner, deaths at the hands of police are not always justifiable.
When Jesus gave us the parable of the shepherd who leaves his sheep safely in the fold to search for one missing lamb, did that mean that those 99 sheep were unimportant? Of course, those sheep still mattered. But it is the ONE that is lost. It is the ONE that is hurting. It is the ONE that needs help. When black citizens are overwhelmingly the victims of unjustified police violence and brutality, they do, indeed, matter.
I support the rights of my fellow citizens to peaceably protest. When these protests turn destructive or violent, however, whatever message you were trying to convey is lost amid the vandalization. But how can you condemn all protestors as "radical" and "out of control" when your own leader lobs tear gas at peaceful protestors to take a photo op with an upside-down Bible in front of a church? Isn't that "out of control" as well?
How do you condemn the violence of protestors without condemning the violence against them by the man who is supposed to protect ALL citizens of this country, not just the ones who support him? How do you justify sending military covertly into cities to arrest people, even those not demonstrating violent behaviors?
If a mayor or governor asks for federal help, that is one thing. But this is not a Banana Republic in South America. This not Russia or North Korea, even though Trump clearly admires how these men run their countries. We do not turn the military on our own citizens when they exercise a right to peacefully protest. I thought that was a lesson we had learned at Kent State.
How about stepping into that church on Sunday instead of worshiping on a golf course, Mr. President? Isn't' THAT what the Chosen One would do? And considering that $140 million of our tax dollars have gone to cover your weekly golf trips as of August 22, it probably would have been a whole lot cheaper in the long run if you just took that $400,000 (before taxes) yearly salary. And before you start screaming about Obama, his travel cost taxpayers $114 million. Over eight years.
And wouldn't the Chosen One take the lead when this country is facing a crisis? A true leader steps up, rises to the occasion, and does what he or she needs to protect ALL citizens. But Donald Trump did not want the responsibility. He put the burden on the governors to set the rules during the pandemic. Those individuals would then have to take the heat and allow him to do what he does best: sit back and tweet insults and criticisms.
If you lack the desire to lead and then defer responsibility to the individual states, you then forfeit any right to complain about how those individual governors handle the situation. What does it say about a leader who doesn't have the courage to take charge but then encourages citizens to rebel in certain states because he doesn't like the rules he himself did not have the gonads to set?
It really is a perfect set up for Trump. It then allows him to claim that the pandemic is not all that serious and that some are "taking to too far," because that is exactly what his worshippers want to hear. They can use it as an excuse to say that a governor they don't like is interfering with their "rights." By claiming it is being blown out of proportion, Trump can also downplay the seriousness and imply that it is a hoax or an attempt to destroy the economy and thwart his reelection. Claims that it will "go away" will soothe his followers and allow them to turn wearing a mask into an excuse for denial, an infringement on their rights, and a political statement rather than an attempt to save lives in a virus outbreak.
I, for one, listen to medical experts. I wear a mask without complaining because I have been asked to do something to protect my fellow citizens, especially those who are essential workers and parts of vulnerable populations. I care more about people than political statements. And if you think your "rights" are more important than anyone else's, think again. Your rights end where the health and welfare of everyone else begins. Period.
He stopped travel from China at the end of January, and rightly so. But at the same time, COVID-19 cases were skyrocketing in Europe. Turns out those in China who could not get to the United States were booking travel to Europe, then entered the U.S. from there. European travel was not banned until March 12. If you don't think this inaction contributed to the spread of the virus in America, you are kidding yourself.
Right now, my instinct is to distance myself from the church in which I was raised. Because I will be voting for Joe Biden. Am I excited about him as a candidate? Not really. But I watched the Democratic Convention and not once did he label anyone on the right as the enemy. Not once did anyone during the entire convention call Republicans a derogatory, immature name, not even Trump.
Were they tough on Trump? Certainly, and justifiably so considering the situation we are in. Countries with leaders who set national mandates on everything from schools to wearing masks are coming out of this pandemic. The United States has nearly one-quarter of the deaths from it. And we are fumbling along blindly trying to figure out how to open schools and businesses with no national guidelines in place.
To those who believe that hospitals are faking COVID deaths to get more money, that is considered medical fraud. The government has always taken that very seriously, especially when it comes to Medicare and Medicaid. I have been hearing these claims since March. So medical fraud has been occurring on a nationwide scale for six months now and the Trump administration and the Republican party have not launched an investigation, let alone made an announcement that they know this is occurring? Why do you think that is?
I hear the claims over and over that the Democrats are "obstructionists." But I ask you why there are over 100 bills sitting at the Senate--many of which are bi-partisan--that Mitch McConnell refuses to bring to a vote. Why did the Democrats and Steve Mnuchin sit down together to hammer out a stimulus bill because Donald Trump did not even have the decency or moral fortitude to put aside petty differences in a national emergency? And why has the House passed a new bill extending unemployment benefits to those affected by the pandemic that the Senate will not bring to a vote and Trump says he will not sign without "concessions," including that devastating payroll tax cut? Ask yourself honestly who is REALLY playing the role of obstructionist here.
That is not to say that Democrats are perfect. They have played their part in contributing to the divisive nature of our political climate that led to Trump's election. They forgot their roots in the working class of America and instead embraced big money and corporate donors.
There are also those on the Democratic side who surely label all Republicans as the enemy. Or believe that anyone who is a conservative is a racist. I know that they are not. If you are offended by anyone who claims that all Democrats support the enigma known as "Antifa," you cannot then turn around and label all conservatives as supporters of the KKK. That only makes you a hypocrite. And that hypocrite label goes both ways.
But there is room for disagreement within the Democratic Party. You can be a liberal, a progressive, a moderate. And you are not made to feel as if you are unwelcome because you do not 100% toe the narrow party line.
I will be watching the Republican convention this week and making it a drinking game. I will drink whenever someone says "radical left," "evil Democrats," or refers to me as the "enemy." I will be dead drunk within the first 15 minutes. Because that is all there is according to the Republican party. There is no room for moderates. No room for independent thinking. No room for a difference of opinion. You are either all in, or you are the enemy.
I am sure I will hear from many of these "Christians" and "Catholics" who will say such things as "Good riddance" or hurl a few immature slurs my way. They will certainly not recognize themselves in this narrative because, for them, Christianity is no more than a political buzzword. An excuse to denigrate or condemn. A reason to accuse others of discriminating against you as a Christian because you wish to legally discriminate against those whose beliefs or lifestyle differs from your own.
There are those family and friends who will unfriend or block me. Be my guest. If your relationships are defined only by the narrow views you embrace, I feel very sorry for you.
But there are those of you who will see yourself here. Just know that I feel your pain. Let's hope that one day, we will find our identity again. And this country, with all its diversity, will find a collective soul that rises above the hate, condemnation, divisiveness, and narrow-minded views that want to rule it.
Vote. Make your voice heard. Apply for an absentee ballot if your state allows under the current circumstances. Or plan to stand in line on election day but take any safety precautions you can. Vote your beliefs and your conscience. Do not let anyone else tell you who you are or what you must believe. No matter what the cost.
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I'm in love with you!
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